The Corporate Governance system is constantly evolving as a consequence of recent regulatory innovations; just think of the continuous changes regarding the administrative liability of entities (Legislative Decree no. 231/2001), adequacy of the administrative-accounting procedures (Law no. 262/2005, art 154-bis), Legal Audit (Legislative Decree . n. 39/2010).
The current economic situation requires the Companies to ensure the effectiveness of the Internal Control System, empowering the various corporate actors involved in the control (Internal Audit, Compliance, Manager in charge) who are asked to expand their knowledge and skills (Safety on the spot labor, environment, fraud, information systems) but, at the same time, to achieve all possible synergies in carrying out checks in order to contain costs.
The firm is able to prepare / update Corporate Governance Models prepared on the basis of the real needs of control and compliance with the Company's regulations; in addition to providing operational and specialist support for verifying the correct functioning of the control system.
The consultancy activity includes:
Evaluation of the Internal Control Systemexisting, through detection and analysis of roles and responsibilities of the subjects involved, system of delegations and powers of attorney, existing operating procedures, communication flows, gap analysis with respect to specific reference regulations
Drafting / Updating of Corporate Governance Models, through identification and definition of roles and responsibilities of the subjects involved, adaptation of the system of delegations and powers of attorney, preparation of the reference model for carrying out checks and communication flows
Quality Assurance Review,of the Internal Audit function in accordance with the Standards of the Institute of Internal Auditors
Specialized and operational support to the functions responsible for carrying out the checks (Cosourcing)
Preparation of company proceduresor their integration